Anna tutors the six children in the Dugan home and helps cook and clean. When Maddi’s Grandmother buys the house next door, Maddi moves in with her. Grandma Berta, frightened when someone broke her fence and entered the backyard, asks Bart and Anna to move onto the second floor of her new home with their guns. Berta’s cousin comes to visit—she is near when fire burns Maddi’s hair, and a landslide causes dirt and rock to fall on Hank and Maddi. Berta and Anna take Carol and Maddi on a trip to California where someone follows them, a rifle bullet narrowly misses Maddi, a man tries to break into their guesthouse, and Anna finds a tracking device on their rented car. Anna wonders—is Jaeger’s family still seeking revenge, does a member of Maddi’s family want her father’s millions, or does Olga want to eliminate Maddi and Berta so she will inherit great wealth?