All for One

Worm, Chief, Shakers and Royal are eighth grade friends known as the Musketeers. Each are given a wish that lead them to ancient Baghdad, a flying carpet, the magic cave of Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves and being saved from execution by Morgiana, a slave girl, Baba the Tailor, and Sindbad the Sailor.

William Worm Bell Sizemore, Robert Shakers Allen, Jr., Ricky Chief Lightfoot and Farah Royal Smolinksi are eighth grade friends; with Farah the lone girl. They call themselves the Four Musketeers and have a one for all and all for one bond. According to Will’s grandfather, a crusty old Navy veteran: “You four are thicker than a band of thieves.” It was Will’s grandfather and an early spring thunder storm complete with tornado warnings that changed the four lives forever. Will’s grandfather had presented his grandson with four miniature scimitars. The ancient Middle Eastern swords resembled gold cocktail toothpicks. They were more than that. The scimitars were said to be magical, each possessing one wish for the person who held it.

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