Another Colorado Kill
ANOTHER COLORADO KILL is the fourth book in the Jim West mystery/thriller series. In this fast paced story, Jim and friend Edward "Perry" Mason are in route to Colorado Springs to play some golf when they discover a dead body, an apparent murder victim, at a rest stop along the interstate highway.
Bob Doerr
Perry's stress levels hit the max during the subsequent police interview. He has a heart attack and the golf outing falls apart. When the police find two more murder victims the next day, both killed with the same weapon that killed the victim whom West had discovered the day before, and the female victim has his name written on a notepad in her purse, their focus on West intensifies. West explains that by chance both the female victim and he had eaten at the same restaurant, but at separate tables, the night before. She had been with two men at the restaurant and had left before he had a chance to talk to her. They had met a few times in the past, but weren't close. A Sheriff's deputy, Lieutenant Michelle Prado befriends West, and the two work together in an effort to find the real murderer. As their relationship develops, West finds himself physically attracted to her, but does she feel the same way? Soon an attempt is made on Jim's life and he realizes that for some reason the killer, like the police, believes that West knows more about the killings than he has admitted. Jim finds himself playing "cat and mouse" with the killer while trying to convince the police that their focus on him is a waste of time and resources. When the FBI moves in to help out, the pressure to solve the case mounts. West and Lieutenant Prado discover the local murders may be connected to a larger, nationwide FBI investigation into organized crime and political corruption. West finally has permission to go home to Clovis and is about to leave when the killer shoots Ollie, a young female Deputy whom had become friends with West. The killer leaves her to die on a dirt road. The killer had gone too far. As Michelle leaves with Ollie's crumpled body in her back seat, West picks up Ollie's issued 9mm and heads off into the woods to track the killer. The time had come to stop the killings. If he can catch up with the killer, only one of them will return alive. Title: Another Colorado Kill Author: Bob Doerr Publishing House: TotalRecall Publications Publication Date: 11/27/2011 ISBN: 9781590957844