A Complex Journey – Brain Maze Book 1
Three scientists (Katya, Logan and Terry – aka the trio) have developed a brain simulation platform based on principles of Complex Adaptive Systems, called “BrainMaze”. The trio have made great advances in medicine by developing the platform that can use a person’s own brain to create an avatar lives within the BrainMaze platform. Simulations done in BrainMaze test potential treatments first in the avatar before going to the patient. The success in the medicine leads to an even greater success for BrainMaze as a tool for people to interact through a Brain-Computer Interface.
This occurs at a time when the world is on the brink of a crisis. Political upheaval from a decline in the influence of the USA and UK results in the establishment of a more distributed governing structure, similar to the European Union, called the Global Council. The Council installs a worldwide AI system that enables sharing of resources globally to remedy food shortages and economic imbalance.
A Complex Journey – The Next Day Book 2
Through analytics performed with BrainMaze, the trio discover that “Aliens” have been affecting the council’s activities. The Aliens are multiscale cybernetic agents organized similarly to brain cells, but are able to work on a global scale. The trio join the Special Operations team to understand the Alien’s intentions and find a way to avert their influences.
During a trip Malaysia, the team encounters one Alien. After a brief fight with Logan, the team captures one of the Aliens. The team is able to extract a few rules that govern how the Aliens system operates. This information is used to drive simulations that predict the most likely scenarios given the current behaviors of the Aliens. The trio Katya, conducts several simulations of the Alien-AI interactions with BrainMaze and discover that the Alien’s activities are biasing a major shift in the Earth’s climate, which could lead to an event that will cause a major catastrophe on the Pacific coasts.