Lessons From The Street - Officer Survival & Training
I was blessed to have had the opportunity to serve as a law enforcement officer for more than thirty-three years. During that time I experienced emotions that ran the gamut from sheer panic and terror, to unbelievable moments of bliss while observing my fellow man at his very best. I saw life begin, and watched as it ended. I witnessed compelling acts of valor, as well as despicable instances of cowardice and inhumanity.
John M. Wills
My service took me all over the world and taught me that regardless of the country cops all had one thing in common--they were Warriors. Police officers held the "Thin Blue Line," that invisible, thread-like, intangible barrier that separates the bad from the good, the wolves from the sheep. The police, no matter what government they serve, allow us to sleep peacefully in our beds at night. And, while often times we criticize and disparage them, they are the first ones we call when we are in trouble.