Walter S. (Jack) Foster

Credit Analysis

In credit analysis, we have three levels of certainty – facts we can know beyond all doubt, decisions we can make beyond a reasonable doubt and decisions we can make based upon the preponderance of evidence.

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For example, in legal analysis for civil cases, we only need to demonstrate our case by a preponderance of evidence. In legal analysis for criminal cases, we need to demonstrate our case beyond a reasonable doubt. In scientific proofs, we need to demonstrate our case beyond all doubt. In credit analysis some things we know beyond all doubt – for example accounting rules; some things we know beyond a reasonable doubt – for example financial statement analysis, and cash flow analysis; and finally some things we only know based upon the preponderance of evidence — for example credit analysis and credit understanding. Credit analysis is an art not a science, it comes up with probabilities for decision making under conditions of uncertainty. Describes current approach to credit analysis for Rating Agencies, Regulators, Banks and Derivative Risk Managers. Book based on my experience as Chairman of the Rating Committee at JPMorgan for five years and as primary internal and external instructor for Standard and Poor’s credit analysts and clients. ***Also available for purchase the companion Audio CD “How to buy Bonds.” This audio book is designed for a 65 year-old or more investor who is planning to live on their retirement savings of between $100,000 and $2,000,000. Therefore, I have tried to make my points as simple and clear as possible. Younger investors and wealthy investors, who are adding to their wealth, rather than trying to live off their wealth, have a different perspective. They invest almost solely in equities. Because of their age, and/or net worth, wealthy and younger investors are able to ignore economic cycles and market volatility and take advantage of tax breaks, inflation hedges and higher returns that, in the long run, accrue from equity investments.

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How to Buy Bonds

(Companion to ‘Credit Analysis’)

An audio book designed to educate and enlighten the innocent individual investor on how to allocate assets, select investment funds, and to eliminate management fees.


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Over the past 40 years, I have been involved in investments from every vantage point. I started and was Chairman of the Credit Rating Committee at JP Morgan for 5 years and was a merger and acquisition and corporate finance advisor for JP Morgan clients for an additional 15 years. I was the primary instructor for Standard and Poor’s internal and external Credit Analysis Seminars for 8 years. And finally, I taught many different credit and corporate finance courses for the New York Institute of Finance over the past 14 years. Along the way, I lived in five different countries in Europe and Asia and taught credit analysis and corporate finance courses in another fifteen countries. My approach to investing is, therefore, based on these experiences and the examples I use are from my experience at JP Morgan, Standard and Poor’s and the New York Institute of Finance and from doing business in and analyzing financial statements from around the world. This audio book is designed for a 65 year-old or more investor who is planning to live on their retirement savings of between $100,000 and $2,000,000. Therefore, I have tried to make my points as simple and clear as possible. (Younger investors and wealthy investors, who are adding to their wealth, rather than trying to live off their wealth, have a different perspective. They invest almost solely in equities. Because of their age, and/or net worth, wealthy and younger investors are able to ignore economic cycles and market volatility and take advantage of tax breaks, inflation hedges and higher returns that, in the long run, accrue from equity investments.)

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Price: $69.95

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