El Evangelio Desconocido es un libro que enseña como el espiritu religioso ha engañado a millones de personas en no tener entendimiento del Eterno proposito de Dios de establecer Su Reino(gobierno) aqui en la tierra. Por lo tanto hoy a Dios se conoce como un Dios religioso y no como el Dios del Gobierno espiritual de los Cielos. Tambien este libro nos enseña como el proposito eterno de Dios se lleva acabo cuando cada ser creado por Dios entiende su proposito y llamado, para establecer el Reino de Dios aqui en la Tierra en todas las esferas de la sociedad. Las funcion de la ïglesia¨no se ha entendido, porque no sabemos que Cristo no vino para empezar una iglesia religiosa sino edificar una EKKLESIA que va a influenciar toda la sociedad.
Blog Archives
All for One
Worm, Chief, Shakers and Royal are eighth grade friends known as the Musketeers. Each are given a wish that lead them to ancient Baghdad, a flying carpet, the magic cave of Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves and being saved from execution by Morgiana, a slave girl, Baba the Tailor, and Sindbad the Sailor.
Radical and Empirical Reality: Selected Writings on the Philosophy of José Ortega y Gasset and Julián Marías
The title is precise. The writings in this volume are selections, not an exhaustive bibliography, of my works on José Ortega y Gasset and Julián Marías. Although the entire corpus of my essays and lectures spans more than five decades, my interest in this philosophy, both its “radical” and “empirical” levels, began at an unforgettable moment in July of 1963 and continues undiminished today. And since Ortega taught that in order to understand anything human, we must tell a story, I shall tell a version of mine
Adventures in Language
In these Adventures in Language linguist Harold Raley explores fascinating features of English and many other languages in different cultures and historical eras.
Points of Light
These Points of Light centered on the beauty, humor, and mystery of human life present many perspectives flowing out of the unifying philosophical premise that life, not physical reality, is the foundational reality in which all others are rooted.
Another True Texan Survivor
In “ANOTHER TRUE TEXAN SURVIVOR” Ron Adair has written from his heart about the many situations, hurts, opportunities, challenges, developments, Worry, FEARS, and “Blessings”. These come our way, and how we react, will determine the outcome. A.N.D.E. is one chapter ( # 38 ) on Another Near Death Experience, with tales of true situations that did happen. Hit by falling tire from the sky…in Houston, TX; held up at gun point…in Henderson, TX
Covid Attack
Covid Attack tells the story of how an extremely dangerous virus escapes from a secret lab beneath the chemistry building at the Wuhan University of Science and Technology. The escape triggers the virus which immediately begins to infect people in and near Wuhan. Withing weeks the virus becomes a pandemic that is sweeping the whole world.
Nobody Cares
Nobody Cares is a tragedy on two levels. On one level it is the story of Jessica Winslow, who as a young woman was assaulted at a fraternity party. Her assailants were entitled young men from “good” families. At another level, the law school where she has become a professor is taken over by the same rich and powerful people. Jessica must relive her trauma when the pride she has regained is, once again, stripped away. This time she is not alone. This time, she fights back.
A Summer on the Farm
Things in small town America have their own pace. They pass from generation to generation. This could be a story from any one of several states or towns. In a lot of ways, it could have occurred in any of several decades on a family farm in America’s Bible belt. Things don’t change too fast on the farm and they are usually the last to embrace new things such as air conditioning and color television. This story could be of any of the thousands of family owned farms across this nation.
When Trust is Broken
A journey from home and heart to isolation and despair will be imprinted forever in Mary Sliwa’s mind. A respected physician one moment and an imprisoned patient the next leads to fear and a sense of hopelessness.
The Heavy Steel doors reverberate as they close and sounds of the locks’ tumblers falling into place becomes Mary’s new reality and nightmare.