Nowhere to Hide

Jade thought that she had finally escaped her past. She was beginning to feel the relief until one day she ran into a man that had her second guessing her decision. What was she going to do now?

Itchy Feet

Sisters, Riley and Miranda are beyond excited to tour Disneyland, California. While they are enchanted with the attraction It’s A Small World, Disney Magic cocoons them transporting the girls back to the time of American slavery. In the woods near their home, the pair stumble upon an unusual campsite and place their own needs and safety aside to help the humble family they have discovered. Because of the sisters’ loving hearts and generosity, combined with a healthy dose of Disney Magic, the Birdsong family finds its way to freedom.

When Secrets Become Lies

Sixteen-year-old Phillipa’s parents have always loved her unconditionally, and would do anything for her. It isn’t till after their tragic death that she learns exactly what that means. While figuring out how to deal with their loss, and move forward into a future without them, she learns that there is no record of her birth. As she struggles to unravel her mysterious past, we delve into that past, following her parents’ journey (both literal and figurative) that leads them to her.
With this heartfelt and impactful story about love, family, and desperation of spirit, author Molly O’Connor shows her readers just what can happen When Secrets Become Lies.

Go Back Jack

Have you ever wondered about the ultimate purpose for your life? Why are some people “born with a silver spoon in their mouths”, their every need, seemingly supplied, while others struggle under impossible conditions and perhaps lose hope, never realizing their true potential?

Memories of Appalachia

A celebrated philosopher once said that in order to understand anything human we must tell a story. However, this human narrative is not about what we are. That kind of information is the business of science, which teaches us about our physical nature. But the real story of our life, the human portion, is who we are, and it begins where science and nature end. Biography, not biology, is the true human narrative.

Raley Family History

This document is an amplified and more accurate account of the Raley family than my earlier accounts of our ancestral history. But this does not mean it is complete. Far from it. The first mention of the Raley family that I have found appears in old English records in the year of our Lord 965, and as I write this account, we are about to begin 2020 AD, a span of 1055 years.

The Prodigal and Other Stories

Now where did these thirteen tales come from? Some are true; some have an element of truth in them; three are chapters from a novel in progress; others just came into my mind and led me on a writing journey. But they are all fiction—more or less. That is not to say that some of these did not happen to some people at some time in some place. Nevertheless, they are still fiction.

Max y Voltaire: La excursión y el secuestro

Max y Voltaire viajan al sur de Francia. Allí no solo descubren nuevos paisajes, sino que además son recompensados por cuidar de los demás y ayudar a los necesitados. Juntos resuelven un misterio, salvan la vida de un gatito angustiado y hacen nuevos amigos.

Max y Voltaire™ Llegando a conocerte

Max y Voltaire: Llegando a conocerte es el primero de una serie de libros con capítulos ilustrados, que te enseñan cómo abrazar tanto lo conocido como lo diferente y que harán tu vida más interesante y gratificante.